Updates! (Test Sets, Top 10 Lists & Sub 30 Club)

December 4, 2024

Hello TEAM,

We have been busy over the last month with lots of great training and some outstanding racing. With all that FAST swimming, comes the need to update our club's top 10 lists for all events, our club's test sets (available through our website once logged in) and our 'Sub30 Club' list.

Check them out below or by visiting our website and see where you stand against the BEST of the LASERS (lots of new names on the top ten list)!


Women Top 10 List

Men Top 10 List

Link to Test Sets: HERE!

Stay focused on things in your control and What's Important Now (W.I.N.) 

Just as Mark Epp says in our mental performance talks "Driving a Country Road, on a Cloudy Night" stay focused on what's in front of you. Try not to get distracted by what's behind you (the past) or what's too far ahead (the future). Stay in the moment, do the work now and trust the process. Let's Go Lasers!!!  
