Meet Wrap Up: J.P. Fiset, Edmonton (Dec 13-15)

December 18, 2024

Hello TEAM,

The HP and TAG2 groups made the trip to Edmonton last weekend, to race at the JP Fiset Invitational hosted by Olympian Swim Club at the beautiful Kinsman Pool. The groups have been building towards this meet over the last couple months, and the athletes were purposefully rested going into it with a high expectation of seeing FAST swimming. Coaches were very pleased to see the many great swims, a bunch of finals, lots of best times (78!!!) and more athletes making their A and AA qualifying times cuts. This meet also gave the athletes an opportunity to practice racing FAST while attending a travel meet and dealing with all the challenges that come with traveling And racing.  It was also interesting to see the level of swimming that exists in Alberta and BC. Overall the meet was a success and the Lasers did a great job representing our province and club. Congrats to all athletes who attended! 


Edmonton by the Numbers:


Edmonton Podiums:

While there were many great WINS this past weekend we believe there is still some 'unfinished business'. By that I mean a few races that may have even been best times but just missed breaking the 30 sec barrier or the 60 sec barrier, or just missed that goal time we've been talking about. Celebrating the WINS is important and having 'unfinished business' puts us in a GREAT position as it will keep us focused, and motivated on reaching that next level (#StayHungry). Keep up the great work TEAM and well done!
